PRESENTATION: The State of Video Gaming in 2025
A 230-page presentation on the past, present and potential future of the video game industry.
The Success of Black Myth: Wukong And What It Means for Media
Wukong may not be China’s first global “AAA” hit game, nor the biggest. It's also not the country's innovative, highest acclaimed, or most global hit. But the success of such a title is incredibly important, instructive, and unsurprising.
Roblox is Already the Biggest Game In The World. Why Can't It Make a Profit (And How Can It)?
With 380MM MAUs, Roblox probably counts more players than the entire AAA gaming ecosystem, is more played than Disney+ is watched, and is starting to rival smaller social networks in scale. But Roblox has yet to profit. How can it become a business comparable to its operating scale?
The Founding of Epic Games and How Its First (And Accidental) Game Became “Unreal Engine 0” and Now Defines Fortnite
Lessons on unexpected inspiration, UGC video games, and a four-decade quest to build the Metaverse.
The Tremendous Yet Troubled State of Gaming in 2024
If you’re a player or casual observer, the video game industry seems to have it all. Yet growth is now illusory, layoffs abundant, and game/studio shutdowns common. Why? And how might things change?
Why VR/AR Gets Farther Away as It Comes Into Focus
Thirteen years after XR devices became a big tech obsession, VR/AR devices are not just behind schedule, they still seem far away. Why?
Netflix and Video Games
Why does Netflix want to enter gaming (beyond the money)? Why now? Can it succeed? What makes the category so uniquely challenging for the streaming giant?
‘The Metaverse Primer’
A nine-part series on the Metaverse, what it is, how much of it is already here, what it needs to thrive, and more
Podcast: “Tomorrow with Rovio” - The Metaverse and More
“It’s hard to talk about gaming in 2021 and not come across references to the Metaverse. Fortnite, Roblox and Minecraft can all lay claim to be building it (in their own way) with many others trying to get in on the action. Who will be the first to successfully build The Metaverse is a question ripe for discussion and few have spent more time thinking about it than Matthew Ball.”
Apple, Its Control Over the iPhone, and The Internet
An essay on platforms, power, prosperity, principles, and profits.
Invest Like the Best Podcast: The Metaverse, Future of Media + Movies, IP + Immersion
Patrick and I went deep into topics including the Metaverse (its technical challenges, opportunities, and philosophy), IP and the role of business model and technical innovation in storytelling, the Unreal Engine, Cloud Gaming, Fortnite as a competitor to Spotify, and more.
Nintendo, Disney, and Cultural Determinism
An essay on what Nintendo does and doesn’t want to be, why, and what this means for its future
The Epic Games Primer: Parts I-VI Directory
A walk through of one of the most important, but least understood companies of the future.
Cloud Gaming: Why It Matters, What It Can’t Yet Be, and the ‘New’ Types of Games It Will Create
Cloud gaming is just one part of the future of games, but just as TV wasn’t a visual form of radio, the games built for cloud will look very different from the games of today. Introducing the MILE.
On Fortnite's Travis Scott Concert
The Travis Scott x Fortnite event is commonly understood in comparison to prior Fortnite events, but instead it needs to be viewed as part of Fortnite’s testing and experimentation process/journey. It is technically less impressive than prior events, but creatively much bigger. Both points matter
Esports and the Dangers of Serving at the Pleasure of a King
We are years and hundreds of millions of dollars into the rise of esports, but most esports teams and start-ups are struggling (if still operational). And bad luck is rarely to blame.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Video Gaming and Our Virtual Lives
How esports, cross-play, the Metaverse and more will forever be affected by an ‘IRL’ virus
My Blog for 'The Economist': The Rise and Rise of Video Games
Covid-19 has drawn renewed attention to an under-appreciated industry.
Digital Theme Park Platforms: The Most Important Media Businesses of the Future
An essay on theme parks, platforms, and the importance of hugs.
7 Reasons Why Gaming IP Is Finally Taking Off in Film/TV
After decades of fan petitions and dreams, it’s clear that video game publishers, Hollywood, and general audiences are finally ready for gaming IP to be adapted to film and TV. Why now and what does this mean?